Item No. 1897
1897 AFA 3 W (8XR Ambient Light)
The AFA 3 W concerts the spectrum into a 3m equivalent, 10’000K white light for very shallow water or for macro photography.
Filters for Video Lights
The perfect solution when you white balance your camera to the ambient light. The KELDAN Ambient Light Filter is available for the 24X, 18X, 8X and 4X lights and converts the light into the same spectrum as the ambient light in order to avoid mixed light conditions.
Item No. 1897
The AFA 3 W concerts the spectrum into a 3m equivalent, 10’000K white light for very shallow water or for macro photography.
Item No. 1896
The AFA 12 B filter converts the native spectrum into a 12m depth equivalent spectrum. This light spectrum is equivalent to a white light with AF 12 B filter.
Item No. 1496
This filter is recommended for blue water within a depth range of about 10-18 meters. The Ambient Filter AF 12 B converts the white video light to blue ambient light.
Item No. 1489
This filter is recommended for blue water within a depth range between 4-12 meters. The Ambient Filter AF 6 B converts the white video light to blue ambient light.
Item No. 1497
This filter is recommended for blue-green water within a depth range between 4-12 meters. The Ambient Filter AF 6 BG converts the white video light to blue-green ambient light.
Item No. 1498
This filter is recommended for blue-green water within a depth range of about 10-18 meters. The Ambient Filter AF 12 BG converts the white video light to blue-green ambient light.
Item No. 1499
This filter is recommended for green water within a depth range between 4-12 meters. The Ambient Filter AF 6 G converts the white video light to green ambient light.
Item No. 1500
This filter is recommended for green water within a depth range of about 10-18 meters. The Ambient Filter AF 12 G converts the white video light to green ambient light.
Item No. 1586
This filter is recommended for blue water within a depth range between 4-12 meters. The Ambient Filter AF 6 B converts the white video light to blue ambient light.
Item No. 1587
This filter is recommended for blue water within a depth range between 10-18 meters. The Ambient Filter AF 12 B converts the white video light to blue ambient light.
Item No. 1588
This filter is recommended for blue-green water within a depth range between 4-12 meters. The Ambient Filter AF 6 BG converts the white video light to blue-green ambient light.
Item No. 1589
This filter is recommended for blue-green water within a depth range between 10-18 meters. The Ambient Filter AF 12 BG converts the white video light to blue-green ambient light.
Item No. 1590
This filter is recommended for green water within a depth range between 4-12 meters. The Ambient Filter AF 6 G converts the white video light to green ambient light.
Item No. 1591
This filter is recommended for green water within a depth range between 10-18 meters. The Ambient Filter AF 12 G converts the white video light to green ambient light.